
Data is not a bad word

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With the Cambridge analytica saga, everyone and their dog has a strong opinion about their data privacy, and data protection.

Optimising for Income

In the relentless and enduring pursuit of FIRE, there are a few core components.
Reduce your expenses | Optimise income | Invest the rest

Income Report | July 2019

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Over the course of July, I focused primarily on 3 stock names, and traded Facebook and Tesla regularly, with Dropbox in the mix as well.

4 Million Dollar Toys (and their stories)

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From Pet Rocks to Fidget Spinners, the toy industry is a weird and fickle one. Which makes it a prime industry to make a quick buck! Here are 4 million-dollar revenue toys, and their stories.


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HENRY is an acronym for High Earners, Not Rich Yet. It’s a term mainly catered toward high income earning millenials, who household between $100,000 and $250,000.