
CFD trading for beginners

I was thinking about providing a service for CFD trading for beginners, a subscription service that will provide potential traders with my trades.

How do you like them camels?

Agrikaab is a marketplace where you can help with job creation and food production in Somalia, whilst earning a profit generated by the livestock your money will buy.

What if Bitcoin is not a fad?

I know this is a site about side hustling, mainly in pursuit of FIRE, and a lot of personal finance folks aren’t big on uncertainties like cryptocurrencies and bitcoin and such, but I feel the need to address or at least provide a point of view on this.

Income Report | March 2019

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So I closed out Q1 of 2019 for a total of S$7,368.97 profit on CFD trading. I’d originally set a target of $12,000 for the entire year, and am currently pacing at 61% of that goal.

Introducing the NoPhone

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The NoPhone, is essentially a plastic slab, that does what no phone in the market currently does. Absolutely nothing.

What is Partbnb?

Renting out your home on vacation rental platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo and HomeAway are getting a lot more popular. But why should we only let the rich ones who have a home get all the fun?

Mini retirements

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I came across this TEDx talk by Lacey Filipich on the importance of considering and achieving financial independence, and having the ability to go on mini retirements.