CFD Trading Side Hustle Year-to-Date Review 2019

CFD trading review oct 2019

Since I started this blog in November of 2019, I’ve documented that my goal was to suss out side hustles, and eventually scale a couple of them to be able to replace my income, so that I can potentially work on side hustles full time, giving me more time, or rather, more flexible time.

We’re 2 months away from the year ending, so let’s take a look at progress!

Here’s the table for those of you who prefer the format.


If you’re thinking about the big fat 0s in May and June, I took a break from trading because it was taking a toll on my body, as I trade US equities and live in Singapore.

My original goal at the start of the year was to target a steady profit with an average of $1,000 per month. That would have brought me to $12,000 for the year, with the intention of pulling it all back into year 2 for a higher growth rate.

I’ve smashed that target, and am currently at $19,734 for the year for an annualised monthly return of $1,644. I might be able to stretch it out to $22k or maybe even $24k for the entire year.

Currently the best month of the year stands at October, with $5,824. That was amazing and I hope we can see more of these numbers as I bring more capital into 2020.

Below is a table of the top 5 stocks by total profit with the number of trades attached. As you can see, I fall back a lot on Facebook, Netflix and Tesla, whom in total makes up almost 83% of my profits.

StockProfitPercentage of
Total Profit
Number of

Overall I’m really happy with the progress this year, and I hope I can scale this up even more next year.

I will do a full year recap for 2019 in the first week of Jan 2020.

6 thoughts on “CFD Trading Side Hustle Year-to-Date Review 2019”

    1. Hey Eric, I trade based on a combination of factors, technical and fundamental knowledge of how the companies work. I work in digital advertising, hence a good knowledge of how Google and Facebook operate etc. Also mainly in the tech space with growth companies at the centre. The volatility helps with shorter term trades.

      Hope this helps.

    1. Hey Eric, you can see all of my individual trades closed for the month in my monthly income reports. Currently over 90% win ratio.

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