Ledger Nano S vs Ledger Nano X

ledger nano S vs X

When the USD goes into hyperinflation as a result of their freewheeling unlimited dollar printing machine, more and more (new) people will be flocking to cryptocurrencies. To help you securely store your crypto, and essentially be the bank of yourselves, you’ll want to start looking at hardware wallets. Ledger has proven itself to be one of the most popular hardware wallets around. So today, we’ll be looking at two popular ledger products: The Nano S and Nano X.

Remember when you purchase hardware wallets, to always order it from the original manufacturer. Links above.

Ledger Nano S

Nano S is an older product, launched in 2016. Powered by USB, it is used for the storage and transaction of Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and others.

It looks like a typical USB storage drive, with a small screen and two buttons to authenticate transactions and key your PIN.

I got my Nano S in 2017, in the midst of the crazy bull run, theorizing that if BTC were to really become the new gold, I need to find a better way to store my gold! (It turned out to be a great thing too, because the original exchange where I bought BTC subsequently shut down.)

It’s perfect for a hodler to transfer the bulk of your holdings to the ledger S, forget about it, and then activate it again when 1BTC=$1,000,000. (One can dream, can’t I?)

Ledger Nano X

If the Nano S is for hodlers, then you can view the Nano X for the serious trader, who needs on-the-go access to his or her vault in order to trade cryptocurrencies at any time of day.

In terms of appearance, the Nano X looks very similar to the Nano S. The major difference is that it is blue-tooth enabled, hence allowing for easy connection to mobile devices or laptops. It also has a bigger storage capacity, allowing support for up to 100 applications to be installed on the device.

But remember, it’s not really about which version of the ledger is better. Whichever device you choose, the Nano S or X, it definitely beats leaving your crypto on exchanges.

Ledger Live

While you use the ledger Nano S or X to safely secure your cryptofolio, Ledger Live is what you will use as an interface between the ledger and your mobile device or laptop.

Ledger live is what will replace your various chrome apps that you previously used to manage the wallets and view your balance.

It’s available on IOS, Android and desktop.

As cryptocurrencies get more mainstream, you’ll definitely want to be able to have your stake off exchanges, where they are more vulnerable to hacks. Own your own bank.

When BTC gets to USD$100,000, I’ll be looking to get a few more ledgers to spread my holdings. What about you?

Ledger Nano S vs X Side Hustle Rich