Get Better, a new newsletter by Richard Tan

Get Better by Richard Tan

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all still maintaining some sense of sanity with all the extended stay home orders and the constant yakking from family.

During this time, I’ve had a bit of time (in between fetching lunch and being the homeschool teacher to my boys) to think about working on another project (besides this site of course), and really wanted to try my hand at working on a newsletter product.

The content will be different than what you’re used to at SHR, where I talk about my side hustles and release income reports and try out new ways of making money online, although it does kind of dovetail nicely in that if the newsletter succeeds, it will be a new side hustle that’s potentially income generating.

So, what is it about?

Get Better

It’s a weekly newsletter about getting better. It’s my take on a personal development resource. Each week, I will send out via the newsletter something I’ve researched and read up on, to do one thing better.

My first issue is out, and the topic is to become more articulate. Below’s a sample of the issue.

Becoming more articulate

Because um.. you know, it helps?

Imagine this.

You’ve been invited to talk about your most passionate topic of choice in front of thousands (and millions more on YouTube) at a TED Talk conference. Are you excited or afraid? For me, I think speaking at a TED Talk will simultaneously be the most exhilarating and also the scariest thing to do.

You and I are definitely not alone in the fear of public speaking. Let’s take a look at a few statistics. If you were to google “public speaking fear”, you’ll get about 390,000,000 results. “How to be more articulate” gets you about 65,500,000 results, and finally (just for the sake of comparison), “Will bitcoin make me rich” gives us 9,200,000 results.

As for the age old myth that we fear public speaking more than death. Let’s clear that one up once and for all, shall we?

I’m glad common sense prevailed in this case, and outside of one time in September 2013 where public speaking fears overtook the fear of death, the chart looks normal.

Know your weakness

Now, in order to get better, let’s first find out what we’re not good at. A lot of people hate listening to themselves, and it’s very common. But if you don’t love your voice, how would others? Listen to yourself speak, and then we can identify some common weaknesses you may have.

To continue reading this issue, please subscribe to my newsletter, and please give me feedback!

19 thoughts on “Get Better, a new newsletter by Richard Tan”

  1. I don’t mind public speaking unless it is a huge crowd. But you are right, I do hate hearing my own voice.

  2. Oh how this takes me right back to college and having to give a report in front of the class. Public speaking used to scare me and then I became a teacher and trainer where I had to speak in front of people all the time. This is a great idea. Wish you the best of luck with your newsletter!

  3. I love the whole ‘get better’ approach. Public speaking is for sure intimidating. I don’t really fear it going into it but every time I am in that situation my voice tends to betray me in the heat of the moment with a bit of shakiness.

  4. practice practice practice. thats what we need to get better. and we should not forget to ask for reviews/opinions from others. because if we dont know our weaknesses, we don’t know what to improve. 🙂

  5. Back when I was in College public speaking is not my cup of tea. I tend to get nervous easily, overtime I have learned to overcome my fear and I am good facing the public when I get to talk.

  6. Following the Rivera

    Good luck on your new journey! Looking forward to reading more and getting better in the future.

  7. I have always found a fear of public speaking so interesting, because I have no fear of it! Of course, I might get a littler nervous. I actually thrive in front of a crowd (as long as I’m prepared!).

  8. Pingback: Income Report - April 2020 | Side Hustle Rich

  9. I love watching Ted Talk and I have always dream of speaking at Ted Talk one day. but yes, it does cross my mind if I will be able to talk in front of hundreds of people.

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